ISO 14001 Environment Management
The ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard for the certification of an environmental management system and was last amended in the year 2015.
The main objective of ISO 14001 is to depict the ability of an organization to improve its environmental performance, meet legal and other obligations, and achieve defined environmental objectives.
The certification according to ISO 14001 is carried out according the DAU accreditation only by approved environmental evaluators or optionally to DAkkS accreditation by our cooperation Partner.
We offer for your company:
ISO 14001:2015 certification
ISO 14001 2nd party audits of your suppliers (optional DAkkS or EMAS compliant)
ISO 14001:2015 pre-certification audits as a certification stress test
EMAS Validation
Requirements for an environmental management system are defined by the international standard ISO 14001: 2015. The aim of DIN EN ISO 14001 is a continuous improvement of environmental performance and a contribution to compliance with environmental law by companies.
Unless a customer requirement requires the implementation of ISO 14001, an image gain or marketing effect is often associated with environmental management.
Businesses in all sectors use an environmental management system to:
- Conformity assurance of legal obligations
- continuous improvement of environmental performance
- Reduce costs by saving resources and resources
- Reduction of environmental risks
- Improvement of the image
- Motivation of the employees
ISO 14001, unlike EMAS, does not specify any explicit requirements for environmental performance. Thus, two organizations that perform activities in a similar scope, but different in environmental performance, can both meet the requirements of ISO 14001.
Essentially, ISO 14001: 2015 describes requirements for preparing a management system:
- the commitment of top management to the compliant implementation of the management system
- the definition and implementation of environmental objectives
- the management of resources and responsibilities
- the identification and assessment of environmental aspects, opportunities and risks
- the documentation structure of the company
- the training and information of employees and internal audits at fixed intervals
- the measurement and analysis of environmental performance as well
- the improvement and maintenance of the system
The implementation of an EMS system into your company is done through usally:
- Illustration of the actual state of your process structure
- Determination of relevant process stopping points according to the requirements of the standard
- Integration of external requirements, for example (incident, - crisis management)
- Structure of the required processes (illustration of your policy and goals, qualifications of your managers, process manuals, measuring points, audit programs, performance evaluation, handling of deviations, risk management)
- Training your employees
- Test runs with fault maneuvers, troubleshooting, emergency exercises and test audits
- Selection of suitable certification bodies
- Support in the practical management activity, e.g. internal audits, processing of an audit report, document control, management review
Preparation of the stage 1 audit
Level 1 audit objectives include:
- documented information of the management system, including static information on scope, policies, objectives, interested parties
- internal communication, external communication
- Processes Descriptions
- Levels of controls used (especially for multi-site organizations)
- Applicable legal and regulatory requirements
- Checking the suitability of the organization's goals
- Assessment of internal audits and management reviews
- Site-specific conditions of the organization
- Illustration of the responsible persons and their competence to prepare for level 2
- Reviewing the organization's understanding of the requirements of the standard,
- Identification of key services, environmental aspects, processes, goals of the management system, employee involvement
Level 1 assessment must ensure that Stage 2 objectives can be met.
Preparation for the stage 2 audit.
The purpose of the Level 2 Assessment is to assess the effectiveness and effectiveness of the organization's management system. The assessment will check conformity to the:
- Performance in monitoring, reporting and target achievement.
- Regulatory compliance audit, action requiring review
- Operational control
- Participation and knowledge of the workforce
- Internal Audits and Management Review
- Management responsibility.
For multi-site organizations, the level 2 assessment is based on random sampling according to the IAF 71 SD 6 013 | Guideline Chapter 5.2.3 aligned
With successful certification the implementation is finished.
With good preparation, an initial certification procedure can be completed within a few months. There is a minimum duration between implementation and level 1, as well as between level 1 and level 2 audits.
Between the implementation of the management system and the first level 1 assessment, the evidence of the organization's effective implementation of the system must be mapped for at least three months. For multi-site organizations, the Level 1 Assessment is targeted at the central organization (see IAF 71 SD 6 013 | Revision: 1.1 | 20 Aug 2015).
Usually there should be a minimum of one month between Level 1 and Level 2 assessments. If more than three months and less than six months pass between Level 1 and Level 2, Level 1 should be repeated. At the end of six months, the level 1 is repeated.
A service provider who advises, trains, or otherwise is involved with a company may not certify. We therefore assist you in selecting an accredited certification body.
In addition to DIN EN ISO 14001, there are the following supporting standards:
- DIN EN ISO 14004 Environmental Management Systems General Guide on Principles, Systems and Auxiliary Instruments,
- DIN EN ISO 14015 Environmental management Environmental assessment of sites and organizations
- DIN EN ISO 14020 Environmental labeling and declarations
- DIN EN ISO 14031 Environmental Management Environmental Performance Assessment Guidelines
- DIN EN ISO 14040 Environmental Management Life Cycle Assessment Principles and general requirements
- DIN EN ISO 14051 Environmental Management Material Flow Cost Accounting General Conditions
- DIN EN ISO 14064 Environmental management Measurement, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions

conformity inspection body
conformity assessment body
Environmental Verifying
Accredited European Certification