Register of valid Certificates

This database provides information about the status of validation to individual certificates.



Valid, unused and revoked certifications

Environmental reports are issued in accordance with EMAS Regulation en 1221:2009, energy audits according to the BAFA specifications in accordance with DIN 16147-1 and certifications in accordance with ISO 14001, ISO 50001.
Third parties, who can display a legitimate interest, are to be informed about the validity of an ISO certificate. If standard requirements are not objectively met, serious deviations are not corrected, or deadlines for an audit or correction are not complied with, the certification or registration/approval of an organisation may be suspended first and Also be withdrawn from the following.

For data protection reasons and to prevent data misuse, no detailed information about an organization may be published in this information. In principle, access to the status of an ISO certification is possible for interested parties. Please send a plausible justification for the status of a certification and an identity reference to the above address.


Verified certificates

The certificates listed below are certificates of the QHSE Ltd. Cert Division:

EMAS Validation

EMAS-validated organisations can be consulted in the  EMAS Register .





Certificates for waste disposal companies can be viewed at the Central coordination Office of legal Disposal Companies ZKS



EuCertPlast Certificate

Certificates according to EuCertPlast validated organizations can be viewed in the register of the European Plastic Recycler

RecyClass Zertifikate

Nach Recyclass validierte Organisationen können im Register der zertifzierten Betriebe auf eingesehen werden.

EU Directive Validation

EU Directive 333 / 2011 Validation eow Iron / Steel

Certificates EU 333/2011

EU Directive 715 / 2013 Validation eow Copper / Copper Alloy

certificates EU 715 copper End of Waste

Für Fragen zur Gültigkeit von Zertifikaten, steht Ihnen unser Innendienst zur Verfügung