waste disposal compliance
The procedure for the certification of waste disposal companies is explicitly defined in the requirements of the EfBV and in the enforcement guidelines of the LAGA 36. Approved environmental verifiers in order of officially acceditaded conformity asessment body may certify waste disposal companies.
With conclusion and consent of the authority to an EfBV-compliant surveillance contract and fulfillment of operational and personnel requirements, disposal companies receive a certification entry in the central register at the ZKS and may offer their waste management operationes as a certified disposal specialist.

We offer for your company:
• Certification and monitoring agreements acc. EfBV / LAGA M 36
Further procedural advantages for waste disposal companies with certification according to § 56, 57 of the KrWG:
• Exemption, or facilitation in the verification process acc. § 7 (1) no. 1 and § 9 (3) of the Proof Ordinance)
• exemption from the requirement to collect, transport, tamper and handle hazardous waste (§ 54 (3) KrWG)
• Facilitation of the documentation as well as a reduction of the inspection frequency in the commercial waste disposal acc. § 9 (1-6) GewAV.
In addition, combinations result with other regulations:
End-of-life vehicle regulation
EfBV-combined inspection of collection points / take-back points, dismantling companies, or shredders in the recycling of end-of-life vehicles
Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive WEEE (ElektroG)
EfBV combined testing of first-treatment plants (EBA) of waste electrical equipment
Destruction of Documents and eletronic storage devices
EfBV combined participation in a quality seal certification acc. DIN 66399
Certifications of EAB companies in combination with the WEEE standard of the European Union
Certifications in combination with the RAL-UZ 30a standard, the plastic recycling directive with an EuCertPlast accredited certification for the applications of the Blue Angel sign for recycled Plastics.
RAL UZ 30a
Blue Angle label for products made of recycled plastics
EFB certification is increasingly required in the waste industry for public tenders and customer specifications. In addition, certified waste disposal companies use advantages in the provision of evidence as well as permits, notifications and approvals.
The EFB requirements refer to EfB-Directive on the following areas:
- Operating Organization
- Approval status, compliance status
- Reliability of the farmer
- Reliability of responsible persons
- ducation and training of responsible persons
- operating log
- Amount of power balance
- ommissioning of third parties
The legal EfB directive does not allow matrix certifications in multi-site organizations. That means, that each site is to be audited by a Technical Inspection Organization.

conformity inspection body
conformity assessment body
Environmental Verifying
Accredited European Certification