Expertise for pretreatment plants §11 GewAbfV
Operators of pre-treatment plants have to carry out a so-called "external inspection" by an accredited body for each calendar year within two months after the end of the year. This examination includes the requirements of §§ 6 and 10 GewAbfV.
For certified waste disposal companies and EMAS validated pretreatment plants, the obligation of a review, (§11 Abs.3 GewAbfV)

We offer for your company:
- Validation of the requirements acc. § 11 (1) of the GewAbfV
- Certification acc. EfB-V
The amended version of the GewAbfV sets a recycling rate for pretreatment plants of 30% by weight of the treated industrial municipal waste fractions.
This recycling rate is based on a sorting rate of 85% by mass as an average in the calendar year.
These and other requirements must be validated annually by an accredited body and transmitted to the competent authority.

conformity inspection body
conformity assessment body
Environmental Verifying
Accredited European Certification