Recycled Content | Recycling Process

The activities of the cross-industry RecyClass - Institution include on the one hand the development of procedures for evaluating the recyclability of innovative and especially secondary raw materials; as well as the Europe-wide harmonization of validation processes for certifying the recycled content of packaging materials in the circular economy.

Recycling Process
The objective of this certification is to validate recycling processes for pre-consumer and post-consumer plastic waste, which in a way fulfills the requirements of the End-of-Waste Directive.
Certification under this commercial audit program allows recyclers to demonstrate recycling processes for plastic waste; from the origin of the waste, to the process flows, to analytical evidence of the properties of the recyclates.
Recycling process certification is the proof of origin for the recycled plastic recovery chain. Certified organizations build confidence among all stakeholders in the plastics value chain to continuously increase the use of recycled plastics.

Recycled Content
RecyClass has developed a validation procedure to assess and calculate the recycled content in plastic packaging. This verification scheme is mapped by the RecyClass committee in accordance with the European standard ISO 22095 and EN 15343 for the traceability of recycled content.Across the entire value chain of plastic applications, traceability criteria of a material or product throughout the supply chain and processes, via its inputs and outputs, and related information within these relevant supply chains are certifiable through a reproducible verification process.

Manufacturers and distributors of plastic packaging can thus meet the increasingly conscious consumer demand for greater sustainability by using RecyClass certification to obtain a transparent and reproducible assessment of the recyclability or secondary raw material content of their products, which is in line with the technological status of European plastics recyclers. Recyclable packaging can thus be identified for consumers.


We offer for recycler

  • Certification acc.recycling process Audit Scheme
  • Certification acc. EuCertPlast

We offer for producer of plastic products:

  • Certification of recycled content according to RecyClass
  • Certification in combination with RAL UZ 30a

Initial certification (initial assessment) takes a longer time frame. Depending on the type and size of the plant, one to two days may be required. After a successful initial certification, an annual surveillance follows to prove the ongoing conformity.

In combinations with other standards, e.g. ISO 14001, EMAS or ISO 9001, individual elements of the relevant standard can be adapted.

Accredited certification bodies
Accredited certification bodies are published on the RecyClass Initiative website. These bodies assess and certify the recyclability or secondary raw material content of plastic packaging according to the Recyclass assessment procedures.

QHSEcert Ltd.

conformity inspection body
conformity assessment body
Environmental Verifying
Accredited European Certification

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Christian Ruhe M.Sc.
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Christian Ruhe M.Sc.
+49 (0) 231 952 99 4 98
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The aim of RecyClass is to improve the recyclability of plastic packaging and to harmonize guidelines for testing and certification procedures

c/o Plastics Recyclers Europe
The Nestwork
Avenue de Broqueville 12
1150 Brussels