recycling operator
VerpackG validation of recycling operators aptitude
acc.. test guidelines "Mengenstromnachweis Cap. 10.6 (§17 Abs.2 VerpackG)"
An integral part for the validation of the mass flow verification is the examination of the extent to which the system has been subject to the use of packaging subject to system participation (§ 17 (1)). The specifications for recycling are based on the VerpackG in connection to the federal Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz ("KrWG") and the EfbV according to the type of recycling.
The suitability of the recovery facility / final receiver installation is to be determined system-specifically. The plant certificates validated by a registered environmental verifier form the basis for determining the quantities supplied for recycling. This applies equally to the certification of pre-treatment plants.
Asset Certificates are therefore always presumed there, if recovery according to the type or scope requires a separate determination.
This is the case for the following recipients of packaging waste:
- Equipment for processing (including recovery) of plastic packaging waste from LVP collection and sorting;
- Installations for the preparation (including recycling) of liquid boxes and other fiber-based packaging from LVP collection and sorting;
- Equipment for the mechanical treatment of the aluminum fraction from LVPE recording and sorting
Systems that comprehensively collect and recycle emptied packaging require acc. § 17 Abs. 2 of the VerpackG the volume flow certificates of the participating plant operators calendar-annually by their quotas by 01 June at the central office to submit.
Environmental verifiers annually validate the conformity of the relevant facilities for the recycling of packaging waste and its monitoring. An annual plant certification validated the respective quantity flow statement documents the proper recycling and compliance with the requirements of the Packaging Act.

We offer for your company:
- Certification according to VerpackG
- Certification in combination with EfBV
These and other requirements must be validated annually by an accredited body and transmitted to the competent authority.

Technische Überwachungsorganisation
Zertifizierungen und Umweltgutachten
Accredited European Certification
ZSVR-ID: DE6464775004179-V